Le Mort II*

“Le Mort” II © Marina Kanavaki

*This painting was inspired by Georges Bataille “Le Mort” and was exhibited in 1999

in Epohes Gallery [solo exhibition titled: “Characters”]

Technique: Acrylic on paper

Original size: 100x65cm [125x90cm framed]


Le Mort II / Detail


Le Mort II / Detail 2


   SHOP Le Mort II ART PRINT HERE                                                                                                                                 

[museum quality printing and framing]


47 replies »

  1. Absolutely Le Mort ! With the intensity from Dostoyevsky’s The Idiot texture. What a piercing, compelling work – I am totally in love with this series. Loss, redemption, requiem, intoxicating at its zenith – a woman who has bathed and tasted her own blood, but…lyrically silent yet echoes heard loud. I truly am awe inspired by you, Marina.

  2. Very disturbing. I’ve just spent 10 minutes looking at your painting and trying to find a word to describe how it makes me feel. It looks like somebody giving birth but everything is happening too fast because the distorted limbs are blurred.This piece of art you have created is dynamic, violent, brutally striking.

    • Thank you very much, Cedds. Yes, I know it’s disturbing… It was inspired and actually was my interpretation of Georges Bataille “Le Mort”. I appreciate your comment [and the time you spent looking at it!]

  3. Disturbing, intriguing, deep. A range of emotions I’m feeling with this one and not all of them nice – which makes it brilliant! Art that makes the mind work as well as stirring the heart is, for me, true art. This is not a piece that I can just turn away from and say “very interesting” and think of no more. Instead, I am drawn to it and the image will remain with me for some time. I would love to see your work for real – I imagine it is even more striking in reality as all great art is.

  4. This is a strong, strident painting, yet your method draws me in – to be involved and care what happened. Very emotional piece, Marina!

  5. Intriguing! Childbirth did not come to mind, but other interpretations did, which were not pleasant. But I suppose the title of this art also leads you that way. One less graphic/violent thought I guess would be a woman dying of a bleeding heart (figuratively).

    • Exactly! “a woman dying of a bleeding heart” as she’s lost her lover/soulmate, as is in G. Bataille’s short story, Le Mort [The Dead Man]. You’re right, not pleasant! Thank you.

  6. I was not expecting to see this here…Not something you would usually do. I see a woman that has eight just had a baby, is having a bad period, or was the victim is the movie “Seven.”
    It’s very graphic and speaks volumes! Bravo!
    Hugs, xx

    • Thank you, Deb! Well, in fact it’s my interpretation of a woman [G. Bataille’s heroine from his short story, Le Mort: the Dead Man] in despair as she’s lost her true love. The moment of a separation can be quite brutal…

  7. Much more graphic than I’m used to seeing from you, Marina. So in that way, it’s very jarring. There is a darkness here, but is it childbirth, woman’s blood, brutality? My mind goes to childbirth. Very interesting work, Marina. 🙂

  8. There seems to be a sort of brutality here. Quite amazing. Also reminds me of the old story of Solomon splitting the baby in half. And even though Solomon was commended for his wisdom in the judgement the woman who backed off to save the baby’s life also needs to be commended. This artwork reminds us (in my mind) that brutality against women should never ever be tolerated.

    • I agree with you, Terry. Brutality against ANY living being should not be tolerated. The painting is my interpretation of a woman [G. Batalle’s heroine] torn between life and death, as she has just lost her lover/soulmate [Le Mort: the Dead]. Thank you for your very interesting thoughts.

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