Spring Equinox

Happy Spring Equinox!
Spring Equinox

47 replies »

  1. I am curious as to what you eat- I mean there has to be something that lets you create such works of art 😉 Lovely colours
    Here in India, the summer has just begun to unfold :\ I guess its the right time for overseas vaccations 😛

    • Some say I fell into Getafix [Panoramix] magic potion when little, so I never need any hallucinogen …I wouldn’t know, would I?!
      Thank you very much Tatsat, I am very flattered!

  2. Oh, isn’t that just GORGEOUS!!!! Marina, you have made my day and my Spring! This so happy!!! ~xoxoxo!!! 🙂

  3. Happy happy Spring Marina! Your Equinox Piece with hearts of Spring is/are beautiful, rich and full of color and love! Just like you dear friend! Penny, 🙂 xx

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