time diversion VIII

Monday 13th, March 2017
Moon: Full Moon Visible: 100% ↓ Age: 15 days
Eighth clock*:

Little Chakra Tree

Little Chakra Tree

Technique: Watercolour

Original size: 27x16cm

Marina’s Little Chakra Tree from her watercolor series: Trees & Forests © Marina Kanavaki

and to accompany this Monday’s “Little Chakra Tree”

Osho: Chakra Sounds Meditation

“In this meditation vocal sounds open, harmonize and bring awareness to the chakras or energy centers. It can bring you into a deep, peaceful, inner silence. You can make your own vocal sounds, or just listen to the music and feel the sounds within you.” from Osho website

For more information about this meditation, read here

Happy Monday 13 and a lovely new week!

* about this series of posts: Time Diversion

About my numbering ‘system’ [if it may be called that!]:

My post titles are numbered based on the number of wall clock I’ve posted. Today it’s the 8th, hence “Time Diversion VIII” – In the featured image however  the number that appears is that of the current date. Today it’s the March 13th so I’ve picked a detail from my clock showing 12:00 + 1:00! I believe they say that woman’s brain is complicated – yes, well…  🙄. Until now, I’ve been able to get those numbers from details of my clocks. From now on I can see I’m going to have some difficulties, 🤔 but I’ll work something out!  😉


43 replies »

  1. Wow … much to like in this one. Great balance between white space and color. Love the flow of the transition of colors in the spectrum swath. The swooshes help draw one to the details. The subtle use of mirrored colors on the numbers is a nice touch. (Glad I caught that one). Well done, Marina!

  2. I love this clock! I own one! I will do a post with it one day. If my back doesn’t get better, I’ll think of something else… or a way to pose without aggravating it. Much love and have a great day! xxxxxxxxxxx

    • Yes! I know!!!!!!!!!! And I hope it counts happy hours!!!!! Sending my healing thoughts for your back and much much love!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx A great day to you too!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx

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