[reblog] Marina Kanavaki – As Above So Below

My dear friend Rebecca, honored me by starting the year with a post on my calendar!

What a treat! 🙂

Please check out her wonderful world here: Lady Budd.

For those who aren’t acquainted with her yet… you’ll thank me!

Marina Kanavaki – As Above So Below


“This series of watercolors
is inspired by the Oneness of
“As Above So Below”.
Trees, Duality Trees, Inverted Trees
reflections, dreamscapes, paths,
in search of their fulfillment.”
Marina Kanavaki

Marina Kanavaki – As Above, So Below

I  am delighted to welcome the Year 2020 with Marina Kanavaki, a dear blogger friend.   Over the years, Marina has inspired me to view art and creative endeavour via the lens of her mantra, “Art Toward a Happy Day.”

Marina showcased her …

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Thank you, Rebecca, from my heart!

28 replies »

  1. Rebecca is amazing!
    We were both very excited about owning your calendar. I’ve had January up since December.
    Have you listened to any of her podcasts? I quite enjoy them!
    How does Hera feel about the calendar?

    • I’m even more excited that my calendar is so fortunate to have such beautiful homes.
      Yes, I have and they are truly enjoyable, but that was to be expected with such a wonderful host! 🔆
      Hera is not too happy as she believes it ought to be her up there posing in different seasons… but at least she says she finds the paintings…agreeable!😉😘😍🐾🥰🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
      Have J&J expressed their feelings about it?

      • J & J agree with Hera. They also say they should have their own calendar. They suggest to Hera that instead of moon phases, etc. the calendar should have meal times and possible treat times, water bowl refreshings and brushings. Vet visits and baths should be omitted.
        Now that’s a calendar!

        • Okay, Hera’s all over the place! She’s crazy about that idea!!!!! Well, obviously vets and baths omitted …kidding?!!!!!! I know I’m gonna lose sleep over this… look at her!!!!!!!! 😉 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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