Rite of the tinies

It began with the tiny purples
[anyone know their name, please let me know… I adore these tiny purples!]

and soon more appeared

Thorny and delicate, they grow together

…in perfect harmony

…in a crack on a rock

Just look at the variety of leaves

Those rock pockets are little treasures!

Look even closer…
And while these happen on the ground,
there’s a Full Moon rising.
So, don’t forget to look up tonight.

This is last night’s Moon…
..almost full

while listening to:

The Swan

Camille Saint-Saëns

The Carnival of the Animals, R. 125

Yo-Yo Ma, celloKathryn Stott, piano

Happy Monday everyone!

24 replies »

  1. How fabulously beautiful, Marina! Your shots are perfect and presented wonderfully. Love this.
    I wish humanity could could live together in our little crack, and be such a potpourri of joy!
    Sending love! xoxoxoxo ❤ xoxoxoxo * xoxoxoxo ❤ xoxoxoxo * xoxoxoxo ❤ xoxoxoxo

  2. Such a lovely post – and I have no idea what those purple cuties are… but that Saint-Saëns piece is my favourite!

  3. Astounding. Reminds me of childhood reveries looking at the Canadian Shield, although so colorful in Greece! Okay, I def wanna go there somehow.. back to working on my transporter/time machine… whatever! 😄

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