Debbie Harry B-Day / Blondie : Angels On The Balcony [Autoamerican, 1980] [reblog]

Oannes on Debbie Harry birthday.

🎧 click on the image to see original post and listen…

Δεν είχα ποτέ κάποια ιδιαίτερη αδυναμία στο γκρουπ ή την ίδια την Debbie, που γίνεται 75 χρόνων σήμερα [1/7/1945]. Απλώς μου θυμίζουν ξένοιαστες εποχές.
Αγαπώ όμως, για βιωματικούς λόγους, αυτό το τραγούδι.

I’ve never been a true fan of this band or of Debbie herself, who turns 75 today [7/1/1945]. They just remind me of happy days.
But I love this song, for ‘personal’ reasons.



Stay Safe!

15 replies »

  1. Love this, too, Marina, and 75? Yikes! I’m feeling old! 😉 Time sure flies. I think of high school days or when my hubby and I met and it really does feel like yesterday. :O Anyway, Happy 4th and have a great, safe weekend! xoxoxo

  2. Blonde did some cool songs. Debbie has an irresistible look about her. She is beautiful in a strange way. She has beautifully shaped lips. 75 years old. How time passes us by. That’s a great mug shot-like photo.

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