anmar news • week #71

71 weeks since the launch of my design site, anmar* .

Titles & images are clickable and will direct you to the specific post.

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Songs of the Greek Underworld / Sketch No 8 • Ρεμπετολογία / Σκίτσο Νο 8

Island Master Musicians • album cover • Νησιώτες Πρωτομάστορες

ORO No23 digest • Περιοδικό ΟΡΩ No23

Advert • Placebo • Καταχώρηση

The little crow’s magic pencil will take you to its nest! Click it!

And to my friends who subscribe:

You’ll have the privilege of getting the news first. Our crow is a friendly one and promises not to flood you with useless information. 😉

*ANMAR creative design center came to life in 1994 and it’s the brain child of my father [Anakreon Kanavakis] and me.

Happy Sunday, everyone!

13 replies »

  1. Thank you dahling!
    Another fab week!!!

    Going to try and mail the package tomorrow.
    They have a slot in a piece of plastic at the post office. If your package goes through the slot, it goes as a letter. If it does not go through, it goes as a parcel…. foe A Lot More $$$.
    So, I took it to the PO and it fit through the slot….just. I’ll send you the story in an email. If I even put a folded piece of paper in there, it won’t fit!

  2. enjoy the remains of the weekend and have a great week ahead, Marina!


  3. Week 71 was so much fun. Sleeping with ghosts, a golden digest to help one see, a cool cube, an island groove, a turncoat scarface, a week ending unplugged.

Happy to hear your thoughts

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