Esperanza Spalding : Cinnamon Tree (2012) [reblog]

from Oannes *

🎧 click on the image to see original post and listen…

Η Αμερικανίδα μπασίστρια, συνθέτις & singer-songwriter έγινε ευρύτερα γνωστή το 2011, κάνοντας την έκπληξη και κλέβοντας το Grammy για τον “Καλύτερο Νέο Καλλιτέχνη” από τον …Justin Bieber. Ασφαλώς η διαδρομή που είχε διανύσει ήταν ήδη μεγάλη, έχοντας κυκλοφορήσει 3 άλμπουμ και προσελκύσει την προσοχή ανθρώπων όπως ο Gary Burton και ο Pat Metheny… Η Esperanza Spalding είναι από τις περιπτώσεις που η τύχη χαμογελάει στο κατάλληλο πρόσωπο…
Ακούμε μια σύνθεσή της από το άλμπουμ Radio Society Music του 2012.

The American bassist, composer & singer-songwriter became instantly famous in 2011, stealing the Grammy for Best New Artist of the Year from …Justin Bieber. Of course she had come a long way already, having released 3 albums and making an impression to people like Gary Burton and Pat Metheny… Esperanza Spalding is one of those cases where luck smiles to the right person…
We hear a composition of her own from the album Radio Music Society of 2012.


❝ Cinnamon tree, graceful and free
We meet just once in a while
But the spice in your smile is magic to me
Cinnamon tree, wise and sturdy
Your roots are firm in the ground to soak up what’s around
And make sweet seasoning, whoa
Please rub off on me
So I carry a little of your auburn hue
For spice when days are dull and dreary
You bend your bows towards me
Times I’m weak and need someone to turn to
You share your flavor, ease my misery
Aha, you give all that you are
And just keep on growing, your fragrance lives
In all who know you
Cinnamon tree, graceful and free
We meet just once in a while
But the spice in your smile is magic to me
Cinnamon tree, wise and sturdy
Your roots are firm in the ground to soak up what’s around
And make sweet seasoning, whoa
It still amazes me
I just think of one stirring conversation
With you and my cup is filled with new infusions
And like your honesty
In the midst of all the sweeten chatter
Your taste, adds a real prospective
Aha, you give all that you are
And just keep on growing, your fragrance lives
In all who love you
Cinnamon tree, graceful and free
We meet just once in a while
But the spice in your smile is magic to me
Cinnamon tree, wise and sturdy
Your roots are firm in the ground to soak up what’s around
And make sweet seasoning, whoa ❞


As always, I’m happy to hear your thoughts, however I’d highly recommend a direct dialogue with the …’source’ [why comments are closed here], so please visit Oannes’ page where you can also listen to the song!

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* For my friends who didn’t know, or first timers here, Oannes [aka Socratis Papahatzis] is my husband, partner in life and music and the one with my undying admiration. Together we have a band MK-O [the music of Marina Kanavaki & Oannes]. So, it’s my pleasure to share with you his [and sometimes mine] musical selections. • Do visit his site. He has my highest recommendation!