Tchaikovsky : June [reblog]

from Oannes *
🎧 click on the image to see original post and listen…

Επιστρέφουμε εσπευσμένα στα μουσικά posts για τις τελευταίες μέρες του Ιούνη, ξεκινώντας με το ομώνυμο έργο του P.I. Tchaikovsky από τον κύκλο των 12 πιανιστικών κομματιών με τίτλο “Οι Εποχές”. Αποδίδει ο Michael Ponti.

We hurriedly go back to the music posts for the last days of June, starting with P.I. Tchaikovsky’s work by this name, from the cycle of 12 piano pieces “The Seasons”. It is interpreted by Michael Ponti.


As always, I’m happy to hear your thoughts, however I’d highly recommend a direct dialogue with the …’source’ [why comments are closed here], so please visit Oannes’ page where you can also listen to the music!

More about these reblogs

* For my friends who didn’t know, or first timers here, Oannes [aka Socratis Papahatzis] is my husband, partner in life and music and the one with my undying admiration. Together we have a band MK-O [the music of Marina Kanavaki & Oannes]. So, it’s my pleasure to share with you his [and sometimes mine] musical selections. • Do visit his site. He has my highest recommendation!