Characters 1999

22 years ago, I had my first solo painting exhibition.
The title of the show was “Characters”, as the paintings were faces / portraits / expressions...
An exhibition I owe to Pavlos Moschidis, my mentor & good friend, to whom my “Characters” were dedicated. He was the one who encouraged me [and his crystal pendulum!] to exhibit them. As if that wasn’t enough, he actually framed each and everyone at his studio. I am eternally grateful to him and his generosity of heart.
Moschidis was a great painter whose paintings I love and look forward to finishing a tribute I’ve been preparing on his work.

Pavlos Moschidis (1927 – 2004)

His work comprises painting, drawing and printmaking on a variety of subjects—landscapes, still lifes, portraits, etc. Yet his ‘trademark’ works depict female figures and nudes in languid postures, exuding a feeling of bliss and wellbeing. The nude female bodies are rendered with clean and simple lines, drenched in light and often without facial features so as to emphasize their archetypal aspect. The figures are noble and discreetly sensual, and the atmosphere is poetic, almost lyrical, with traces of melancholia.
After 1975 he trains in Tibetan art and turns to Buddhism, trying to introduce its teachings in his personal self-fulfillment and his art. His interest in the healing properties of colours leads him to a different attitude to painting, albeit without markedly affecting his thematic and stylistic choices.
He presented his work in over twenty solo exhibitions and participated in group shows in Greece and abroad—indicatively, Greek Art Now (Cna Gallery, Chicago 1974); Panorama of Greek painting 1950-1975 (Museum Ostwall, Dortmund 1976); Contemporary Greek Painters & Printmakers (Hellenic Cultural Centre, Nicosia 1978), etc. His works can be found in public and private collections in Greece and abroad.

source: contemporary greek art institute

For anyone interested to view these paintings,
I have posted most of my “Characters” here

45 replies »

  1. Fantastic to see you and your work exhibited! I hope one day I get to see it (and you) face to face. We must attempt again to do so once the pandemic has settled down (fingers crossed!).

    • Awwwwwww…..

    • Ah, thank you, my dear Lauren. I look forward to do a tribute of his work.
      Awwww….. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
      …and many hugs!!!!!!!

  2. I’m back, trying to comment… it seems to be working. WP was having a hissy fit before!

    What a lovely way to honour your mentor. The photos are so lovely! As are you!

  3. Dear Marina, your artwork is wonderful and you pay a great tribute to your mentor also! I especially like the last picture of you and the gallery owner beneath two amazing paintings. I look forward to reading your full tribute to your mentor if it is your intention to publish it here.
    (22 years ago I was made redundant from my work after nearly 30 years. It was devastating).

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