atom sea #21

atom sea #21©marina kanavaki


detail 1

atomsea21det1©Marina Kanavaki


detail 2

atomsea21det2©Marina Kanavaki


detail 3

atomsea21det3©Marina Kanavaki

Atom Sea #21

Technique: watercolour

Original size: 18x18cm

from Marina Kanavaki watercolor series “Atom Sea” © 2013


  SHOP Atom Sea #21 ART PRINT HERE                        

[museum quality printing and framing]

76 replies »

  1. Mercy, mercy.

    Every time I visit here, I see colour removed of labour. That is, you lay it down and art follows as its nature demands.

    There seems to be no labour to what you produce (forgive me), only inspired art, beauty, originality.

    Sigh… to be YOU! 🙂 I really, really love those colours, the pastel of it – but more than that, it’s how you lay it out. Just beautiful, Marina.

    • Noeleen, if I ever wanted to compliment an artist, I doubt if I’d find better words to express it!!! Your presence here makes me very happy! Thank you so much!

  2. hello Marina, thanks for following. I love your watercolours, I like the way you control the medium, so easy to let watercolour be the boss.
    tony (charabanc)

    • So very true! Watercolor does tend to be bossy, but then …it doesn’t know with what stubborn handler it’s dealing with!! 😆
      Thank you very much, Tony!
      I was glad Gilly introduced you!

  3. Marina, you never never cease to amaze me with what beauty you construct from somewhere within. Just lovely – again.

  4. I love the flow and colors of your design. Reminds me of summer and going to the snow cone shop having a taste of many flavors of syrup over ice cone.


  5. Wow, you are amazing with watercolors. Once upon a time, a long long time ago, I also tried to paint with watercolors. It didn’t work… looked like a painting from a baby ;-(

  6. I love the way you have done close up on your painting … stunning – the art in itself is fantastic. Stunning with the blue, yellow … with the red.

  7. Brilliant series of detail edits Marina. Beautiful. Your work always amazes me. And the fact that you can take a larger work and edit it down to several smaller interesting successful abstracts shows the overall talent for quality work that you exhibit.

  8. What I find interesting in the close ups is that the smaller the scale, the more you see the result of uncontrolled random processes, like the paint being sucked into the paper by capillary forces, while the designed component is reducing. On the large scale, on the other hand, the design is dominating. In between there is a scale dominated by your style, that is the way you have learned to see and move “automatically”, still your action but not planned. So there is a conscious component, an unconscious component and a physical component, each dominating their respective scale.

  9. These colors are gorgeous, Marina. The look of rippling water…makes me think of a summer day at the beach.
    Have a great day and evening, my friend!

    • Oh, Deb, it is exactly that and I’m so glad you like it! A summer sunset “rippling” the water. Thank you, my dear and you too have a great day and Tuesday evening. xxxxxxx

  10. Oh, Marina, these colors are so gorgeous! I am speechless and so very moved by this piece! It’s a most beautiful color palette, and the way they blend into each other, it’s just stunning! I can’t stop staring!!! ~xoxoxo!!!

  11. Great use of wash and layering. Your details could be paintings all by themselves. The first could be land and sky. Detail one always makes me wonder how you can get such sharp edges. Can I come over there and spend a day with you as my water color mentor? In details 2 and 3 I love your use of the paper as negative space (?). Clouds in the sky?(detail 2) Snow covered islands? (detail 3) Ripples and highlights in the water! (the whole painting)

    • Watercolor mentor, me?!!!!!! 🙂 For some strange reason I cannot operate when someone’s watching!!
      I’m overwhelmed by your description! I think “ripples” could have been the title of this one, you’re right.
      Thank you so much, Russ for your beautiful comment.

  12. Loving this Marina. And I’ll bet you know me well enough to feel what I’m thinking my dear friend.
    the overflowing gentle blending of colors, it’s quite seductive. Wonderful. I keep scrolling up to look again and again! Have a most excellent evening and tomorrow! Much love, Penny xoxoxo

    • I think I do, yes, as I think you do too, to know how much this means to me! Thank you so much, Penny! A wonderful evening to you too, my dear and a colorful tomorrow! 🙂 xxxxx

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