poppy invasion!

They are everywhere!

Marina's Poppies

They even invaded my studio.
Have I gone poppy mad?
Look for yourself!

…on my clock

on the pillow

oooh, my shower curtain

on the rug

on the bag

on the tees
10661866_9584664-tsrmw126_l  10661866_9584664-sswtz010b_l  10661866_9584664-tnkw120_l


well, there too!

Poppy Tech!
I’m sure that if you click on the link below you will stumble upon more of them!!!



I’ll let you have a wild guess where my coffee is………………………..  4611882_3880413-mugs11_l

What am I to do?! 🙄

It all began here

138 replies »

  1. Wow, this post is so alive, Marina, and I think it’s great to be “poppy mad!” We have California poppies and they’re orange and lately, I’m finding I love the reds, oranges and yellows more than the pastels…they’re warm and vibrant..anyway, I love the pillow and shower curtain the best…wonderful post and art, my friend! ♥

    • I’m so happy you enjoyed this -hopefully temporary- poppy insanity, couldn’t help it though. They are so beautiful in their simplicity – just perfect! Orange poppies?!!! Imagine a field of all three [red – orange and yellow] …what a fiery field it would be! Thank you, my dear friend! 🙂 xx

  2. Poppies, poppies, poppies
    Poppies are so red!
    See the lovely poppies
    They circle ’round my head!

    Poppies, oh dear poppies
    They fall down from the sky
    They form a giant mattress
    Upon which I do lie

    Poppies on my eyelids
    Softer than a kiss
    They cover me with happiness
    They cover me with bliss

    Poppies from a painter
    Who strews them all about
    I shall dream of dear Marina
    Till someone digs me out!!

    Goodness me. These beautiful poppies have turned me into a poet. I’m shocked… : )

    Such wondrous red! You have set the world aflame with your talent, my dear Marina!! : )

  3. Hey I love your poppies my sweet friend 🙂 I haven’t been around on WP much lately but I am hoping to get back soon and then I will be calling in more often. In the meantime have a truly awesome rest of Monday and week with lots of exciting moments 🙂

    Andro xxxx

  4. You are not poppy mad at all they look like blood flow in our bodies and who better then you Marina to present it in such a beautiful way x

  5. When growing up I was quite fond of poppies. But these days I have cats instead. Although they like poppies they are too old to train any new poppy that I might bring into the home. Perhaps when they’re gone I’ll get a new poppy. Until then, your’s will have to do.

    • …”cats instead”!!! I know you have beautiful cherry blossoms too – I bet they are trained and coexist peacefully with your cats! 😉
      Thank you, my friend. My poppies are honored to serve as a substitute for a while! 🙂

  6. these blooms of fragile passion have not ‘invaded’ you Marina, on the contrary they are exhaled by you…flowers of beauty that spring from your inner beauty…

  7. FANTASTIC!! My two favorite colors in depth. I am trying to buy the print? You brought me peace . Thats very difficult to do.

  8. Brilliant Marina – the design is great, because you give us wonderful depth to the poppies and that is drawing my eye in over-and-over! Love this one, and by the looks of it so do a lot of other people. Have a wonderful weekend.

    • Oh, I’m so glad you see depth, that’s a wonderful compliment Mary! Their ‘popularity’ [or should I say: poppylarity!] caught me by surprise. Maybe they invaded more people’s minds… 😉

      • Love the “poppylarity” which is one of the reasons that people are so attracted to your art – it’s creative and fresh. The poppies symbolize new and the red is one powerful color. Hope you are enjoying your weekend, thanks for all your encouragement and support!

  9. i love this! only an artist as rare as you can enflame the poppies with her kiss. x tony

  10. Wow, this is so fantastic – like the name too – poppy invasion. My favorite summer flower.
    I wish you would do a net book or laptop sleeve, not everybody has ipad. This I’m crazy about ..
    Wish you a great weekend.

  11. I’m in love with your poppies. They are spectacular. One of my favorite flowers. I’ll email you some photos of the poppies I grew last year 🙂

  12. Ah, this is so beautiful, Marina! What a beautiful color❤️❤️❤️
    By the way, I can see your posts now\(^o^)/ I’ve missed many of your beautiful paintings❤️❤️❤️

  13. I sleep buried in a field of wheat
    is not a rose , it is not the tulip
    I do watch the shadow of the ditches
    but are a thousand red poppies
    along the banks of my stream
    I want you to come down the pike silver
    no longer the corpses of soldiers
    brought by the current boom
    as you said and it was winter
    and like the others to hell
    you go sad as those who must
    the wind spits in the face of snow
    stop you , stop now
    Let the wind you walk a little ‘ on
    of the dead in battle you carry the voice
    who gave his life in exchange had a cross
    but you do not you heard and the time spent
    in step with the seasons of java
    and you arrived at the border varcar
    on a beautiful spring day
    and while marciavi with the soul behind

    Did you see a man in the valley
    who had your exact same mood
    but the uniform of a different color
    you shoot him , shoot him now
    and shoot again after a stroke
    until you do not see the bloodless
    fall to the ground to cover his blood
    and if you shoot him in the face or in the heart
    only time will die
    but the time will remain for me to see
    see the eyes of a dying man
    and while you are using this concern
    that turns around, sees you and is afraid
    and shouldering the artillery
    you do not reciprocate the courtesy
    you fell to the ground without a whimper
    and did you realize in a single moment
    that time will not be enough
    to ask forgiveness for every sin
    you fell to the ground without a whimper
    and did you realize in a single moment
    that your life ended that day
    and there would have been a return.

    Marina dear, I want to die in May
    it takes a long, long , courage
    Marina beautiful straight to hell
    I would have preferred to go there in the winter
    and while I was listening wheat
    into the hands were holding a rifle
    inside the mouth were holding words
    too much frost to melt in the sun
    I sleep buried in a field of wheat
    is not a rose, is not the tulip
    you ‘re waking the shadow of the ditches
    but are a thousand red poppies .

    That ” red poppies ” can invade the hearts of all.
    A hug, my friend


    • My dear Ninni,
      Your words are overwhelmingly moving.
      Thank you for honoring this humble work with them.
      If my poppies were to invade the hearts of all and bring peace, I would be a great magician, which is clearly not the case! If however they were to invade and bring peace to even one heart then it would be a miracle to me.
      I wish you peace in your heart and beauty around you. Be safe, my friend.

  14. This is one of the best 🙂 Just loved your Poppy invasion, The poppy is a favourite of mine, I try to keep a wild patch where I sprinkle seeds, and love it when the poppies come out.. Beautiful Artwork Marina…
    Sending you much love and hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend… 🙂 xox Sue

    • Ah, I can imagine how beautiful your wild patch will look when they are in bloom!
      Thank you, my dear Sue!
      Much love and hugs to you too and wishes for a peaceful and beautiful weekend. 🙂 xx

  15. On no … you have been struck with Poppy Madness … see you doctor! … and ask why Poppy Madness leads to working so well in a variety of products.

  16. Lovely dear Marina… I think it’s a long time ago that you used RED in this way. Un abrazo!

  17. When I left for Mexico City, I placed an order for a paint by number of a painting of some poppies in a vase by Van Gogh, you know the one i mean?! I have, from there been in love with poppies (hydrangeas, ranunculus and peonies are my other most favorite flowers) the lightness of the petals, such a simple flower but so straight forward and open in all it’s brightness and beauty!! beautiful paintings, i love how it adapts perfectly to any format you present it in… xo my dear friend, alexandra

    • I agree with you… I’ve always loved poppies, since I was a child. It’s one flower that you can only enjoy in its natural environment. If you cut it it won’t last but a few minutes, so I’ve always wanted to capture some of it’s beauty. I may have gone overboard but I had fun with them!. I’m so happy you liked them! 🙂

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