Triptych duet

After Dmitri Shostakovich, I decided to take one of our own musical works [MK-O] to create an art video with.
So here is ‘Triptych
from our latest album
Ether‘ [Etheras]

Click to be directed to Ether @ i-tunes.


with my painting “Reaching

reaching triptych©marina kanavaki

Enjoy a beautiful weekend and Full Moon tonight!

52 replies »

  1. Marina,
    I enjoyed the video soooo much. It has a pace that creates a desire to hear more. The images of your work coincided really well. You are very talented. I love this. A little different artwork from what I’m used to from you but creativity can be endless. Can’t it?
    Isadora 😎

    • Creativity is endless, I agree! ‘Reaching’ was done many years ago and I felt it was appropriate for this music. So happy you enjoyed it, my sweet friend! :-)😘🤗😘🤗😘🤗

  2. A moving and moody dance of your arts Marina, and it works so beautifully. It’s the last thing I see and hear tonight before sleep and I carry it gently into my dreams…

  3. My dear Marina,
    I listened to every note.
    This is a glorious post that combines your music and painting. I love it!
    Moonlight seems to be a theme with us, at the moment! ;-D

    • Awwww, thank you sweetie! Coming here a little late but now I have seen ‘Artemis by Moonlight’ [] I know exactly what you mean. How is it that everytime you manage to outdo yourself? Amazing work, Resa, truly amazing! [did you know that Artemis is my birth name?! 😉 ] Love and hugs to you 🙂 xxxxxxx

  4. How wonderful, your beautiful art and magnificent music combination. Pure Magic, like living and hearing the sounds while floating around the sun. A phoenix not too close to burn, but close enough to hear the enchantment of your music!

  5. Oh I so enjoyed your video.. As I have earphones in, Reaching! into each circular shape .. We are all of us reaching higher.. And we may be one sided..out of balance.. at the moment.. but your painting and music inspires.. Brings HOPE.. and gives us an energy if only we could all tune into the Muscial Vibration of creativity.. and LOVE for ones Art.. be it Music, poetry, Art..
    Love and Blessings
    Sue xxx

    • Ah, my dear dear Sue, it is your presence and love you share that bring hope. Thank you from my heart for your kindness. I’m also an ‘earphone’ fan. It’s the best way for me to enjoy music. Here’s to the Musical Vibration of creativity! 🙂 Hugs and love 🙂 xxxxxxx

    • Ha-ha, yes…. although in this case, both of them were unaware of each other’s existence! 😉 Until now that is! 😉 Happy new week, my friend! 🙂
      [I’m missing too many lunar events and this is unacceptable! Passed weekend with the lunar eclipse on the full moon there was also a comet passing by! It’s getting ridiculous! 🙄]

  6. I am so appreciative of your talent, Marina. You have wonderful range in your work and I am always surprised. I love “Ether” and just downloaded it. I will enjoy it immensely!

    • Ah, my dear Debra, thank you so much for your kindness and support! It means so much! I do hope you enjoy our album! Sending you my best wishes for a beautiful Monday and week ahead! 🙂 xx

  7. Do love this one! I especially like the character expression beneath the flaming sun’s burning colour. Which brings to mind a poem of mine that is in my most recent book, which was published last November 2016.

    “ Face In The Sun ”

    ~ on its solar run ~

    One needs live
    Face in the sun,
    Tho turns on you
    In its solar run,
    Of spurious pace
    Suffers us bane,
    Sparing no place
    Between the rains,
    Sun fails not burn
    Thus finds erase,
    Any trace of a face!

    For me your painting perfectly images my poem’s intention.

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