Window No5

Window No5

Technique: Watercolour

Original size: 15x15cm

from “marina’s windows” 2011 © Marina Kanavaki

Window No5  @ Imagekind   

[museum quality printing and framing]

Marina’s Art Shop

More Window items at Marina’s Ar Shop


original post 15.6.2012 • 09:45



looking out

or looking in.


My paintings are also available on art prints – framed or on canvas at Imagekind and specially designed on various everyday products at Society6[US] / Society6[EuropE]

If you wish to know more about the painting [concept, price & availability] or if you see something you like that has sold, I am happy to paint something similar as a commission, please get in touch at

90 replies »

  1. Those are gorgeous and perfect for the new season, Marina. I’m so glad you’re sharing again because it doesn’t look like we knew each other yet. I can’t remember when we met here. 🙂
    Happy March, my friend! 🌼🌸🌼🌸

    • Ah, so happy to hear that!
      I think it was around your “Finding A Balance” wonderful publication [2015?] [and proud owner of] and probably a little before.
      Happy March, my dearest friend! 🌺❤️🌺

  2. I hope that this visit finds you
    well and happy my lovely friend 🙂
    Be well Marina.

    Andro xx

  3. …dont know if ive already commented on this..but…hey….WOW!
    you somehow seem to have a natural ability to produce something so damned simple, but yet so very profound, marina!
    i dont know if youve heard of ron ranson at all…your work reminds me of his work….he paints so very simply…just a few brushstrokes sometimes…and sometimes just with one brush, a hake….
    anyways…fabulous work…and thats from a complete novice to paintings, as you know!

  4. This is lovely. I remember staying in a room where Dufy had stayed and painted his view from the window. They had hung a print of the painting next to the window. So I painted the same scene. Not much had changed. The trees and bushes had gotten bigger

  5. Like morning dew drops on the skin…sublime and absolutely gorgeous like the painter, my dear Marina!

  6. Wonderful view. I love how windows frame nature and create living works of art. Your creation demonstrates that beautifully here.

  7. Sweet…Sweet…very sweet!!!
    Dear Marina 🙂

    Good morning wonderfull Artist 🙂

  8. View from your window? 🙂
    I too always have this concept of views from the window – you have presented it very well in your beautiful signature style!

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