Taurus the warmhearted bon vivant

[20 April – 20 May]

Today is the first day of Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac. On a Hybrid Solar Eclipse too!

Taurus is a fixed earth sign.

Reliable, persistent, and stable, the warmhearted bulls love their stability and find comfort in consistency, extravagance and nature’s beauty.

Starting from the last [12th] sign, I’ll be posting these original illustrations, Anakreon Kanavakis created for a calendar. [check it out here]

I love these so much, I designed a whole set of products with them at my art shop.

Here are a few.

Happy Thursday!

and… Happy birthdays to all Tauruses out there!

51 replies »

  1. Another nice series. I know, I know. Astrology is a load of nonsense. But your artwork is beautiful anyhow.

  2. Reblogged this on Graffiti Lux Art & More and commented:

    From Marina Kanavaki at Art Towards a Happy day, here is the second sign of the Zodiac as imagined by Anakreon Kanavakis, Marina’s father. Seeing each astrological sign go by, in a drawing by him, is adding another joy to my life.

    • Thank you so much dahling! You are the sweetest!
      LOVE & HUGS

  3. These Astrological drawings are absolutely delightful, Marina!
    I’ve been waiting for Taurus. Having you post one of these each month is adding joy to my year.
    Please tell your father how much I enjoy these, and That I’m excited to see Leo!

    OH.. of course, Hera! I love you, too!

    • Awww…. I’m so glad you’re enjoying them, and so is my father who is very grateful and happy to hear!
      Leo was [still is] my favorite and then Virgo.
      Love and hugs your way
      yep… slobbery kisses it is, lots of them!

  4. What a great no bull Bull design for Taurus. The first day of Taurus coincides with 420, Weed Day, over here.

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