48 replies »

  1. Marina, this is so cool! Congratulations to you both on this very cool, techy app! I wish you much success with it! ~xoxo!!!

  2. MK-O is, of course, the only heavy metal group I listen to. They supply all my musical needs. : )

    I don’t have a mobile phone, however, but that’s OK– I’ll just continue to carry my iMac computer around with me, and listen to MK-O via wi-fi. It’s really not a problem, I have a wheelbarrow… : )

    • 🙂 🙂 MK&O are very happy to hear that, Mark and thank you for your support!
      I’m thinking, maybe we should add our very own wheelbarrows, logo and everything with speakers attached. That’s it, a wheelbarrow app!!!! 😆
      You just reminded me of my first “walkman” back in the early 80’s my parents made me: a ‘portable’ aiwa tape recorder accompanied by a huge set of headphones [like pilot ones!]! It was their way of buying time until they actually got me one! BTW you can’t imagine how happy I am whenever I hear of a person either not having or not using often a mobile phone! Mine is used on the very rare occasions I’ll be out of the house for more than 2 hours!

  3. no smart phone here either Marina but have signed up on your mko site – love your music and congrats on spreading it further with the app…

  4. I agree with you on FB policies Marina, and was ever so pleased I never joined.. Its crazy how we are gradually being owned in one form or another..
    Great to see you have the app and congratulations again on your stunning Music.. You look fabulous by the way on that image!
    And again Thank you so much for all the supporting you do over at my place 🙂

    • Indeed: “being owned in one form or another”. I was actually aware of it but had no idea of the extent! Oh, well, I’m glad it’s history now. 😛
      No need to thank me, Sue, it’s always my pleasure visiting your place.
      Blushing on the photo!!! 😳 Thank you for the compliment!
      Have a great new month, my dear!

  5. Please excuse my lateness…I feel way behind, Marina.
    Now about this app of yours…Wow!…Congratulations! You are just fabulous!

    • Thank you, my dear Donna! We thought it would be a nice idea for people who enjoy our music. I personally still use an old type cell but downloaded it on my tablet.

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