duality tree

Duality Tree

DUALITY TREE©Marina KanavakiL

Technique: watercolour

Original size: 23x30cm

from “Trees & Forests” © 2016 • marina kanavaki

  SHOP Duality Tree ART PRINT @ Imagekind

[museum quality printing and framing]


  SHOP Duality Tree ART PRINT @ Society6

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By clicking on any of the images, you’ll be directed to my art shop.


If you wish to know more about the painting [concept, price & availability] or if you see something you like that has sold, I am happy to paint something similar as a commission, please get in touch at anmar.graphic.art@gmail.com
My paintings are also available on art prints – framed or on canvas at Imagekind and specially designed on various everyday products at Society6[US] / Society6[Europe]

75 replies »

  1. This beautiful Duality Tree is a perfect metaphor for my visits to Mt. Olympus, otherwise known as Art For A Happy Day. On the one hand, the art I find here is so stunning, it knocks my socks off (my socks being the “leaves” I grow on my feet). On the other hand, it fills me with such joy and happiness, I “bloom” and experience exhilaration, growth, and complete rejuvenation!!

    Thank you, dear Marina, for planting seeds that nurture our souls!!

    (I could go on, but my doctors have advised me to limit my ecstatic ravings, since they always transport me to metaphysical realms where it can be difficult to find a taxi…) 😍🌎🚀🌖💥👽👽👽👽👽🚕🚫🚑😊

    • Being a man with his very own wings of creativity, these words bring tears of joy …joy, joy, joy joy joy…… ☺️😊😂😃😂😊😂😃😊😂😊😂😊😂😊😂😊😂😊😂
      Thank you, my kindest friend! 🙂

  2. I love your duality tree dear Marina.. Like two cupped hands of Yin and Yang.. Summer and Winter, Full and Empty.. Alive and Asleep..
    Nothing asleep about your paintings.. for they are always full of life…
    Love Trees as you know.. 🙂 And looking forward to Spring so they can burst into life..
    Have a Blessed Spring Marina.. Love and Hugs dear friend.. ❤ Sue xxx

    • Ah, thank you, Sue! Yes, I know of your love for trees! We’ve had a very early Spring this year. Ours started in February, a month traditionally very cold in Greece went by with temperatures between 14-22ºC!
      A blessed Spring to you too, my dearest friend. Love and hugs and xxxxxxxx to you! 🙂

      • Glad I am here to catch your comment.. Yes lots of shrubs and blossoms out early here too, due to the mild winter, now spring is here I think we have gone back one season and it thinks its now winter LOL.. 🙂 have a great end of week Marina and weekend 🙂

  3. Your dear Marina goal is always to represent what he sees, his dreams and your thoughts. in the beauty and cleanliness of this color hatch, I saw hands outstretched to the sky in an embrace and an incredible joy.
    Where do you get this nourishment that can translate your soul into a drawing pad?
    Here we find solace in the beauty and love that is given off from your eyes and above all, from your hand.
    How gently, into the celestial and greenish hues in an act of spranza who, disguised as a tree, he throws his hands to heaven.

    A work of art that has beauty, power, simplicity, but also, depth, passion and genius.
    A genius that strikes in its message of beauty and strength.
    A hug, my love and thanks – from the Man – to make this life, despite everything, more sustainable with beauty.

    Your friend Ninni from … far far away
    (Automatic translation: do not kill me, please. Thanks)



    • Questo sono io, cercando di rispondere a voi in italiano. Non facile! 🙂
      Grazie dal mio cuore, carissimo Ninni. Le TUE parole rendere questo mondo più bearable.
      Sta bene Amico Mio.
      Tanti saluti e a presto.
      [I do hope it made sense / if not:
      a big big thank you from my heart, my dear Ninni and take very good care of yourself.] 🙂

  4. Her two svelte hands, with their many graceful fingers, reached out into the world. One hand provided umbrage for the animals in need. The other was ready to catch the falling stars that the used and abused had become.
    This is a wonderful painting, Marina! _Resa xo

    • Ah, thank you, Patricia! So happy you enjoyed it [also glad you spotted the sky – I was wondering how it would show after scanning it]. Happy Thursday, my dear friend! 🙂 xxxx

  5. Awesome design Marina – graceful and with a quiet statement for these two trees. Beautiful work as always – a happy Thursday to you my friend!

    • Ah, so happy you enjoyed my tree, Mary [I tricked you didn’t I?! 😉 ] Thank you for your lovely words – you know they mean a lot. You too have a beautiful Thursday and Friday [and weekend ahead – almost here!] 🙂 xx

  6. Interestingly, after the first image setting the stage, the second one surprised me. Then, I smiled after putting the two together. … and the title makes the observer think. Well done, my friend!

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