
the process of moving air
into and out of the lungs
by bringing in oxygen
and breathing out
carbon dioxide.
A simple
that is



Breathe In


Breathe Out


Mindful Breathing

As Taught By The Buddha Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh

and if that don’t work:



Stay safe everyone! 🏡

50 replies »

  1. Wonderful and Zen post, Marina!
    The video is new to me, oddly interesting!
    I actually read this yesterday, but I was still listening to Sergei P. I still have one or 2 to go! I took a break to come back here!

    • Ah…. this is how I usually work… 😉 I’m so happy you liked it!
      [assuming you’re referring to ThNT video] it is a long video but very helpful [for lack of a better word]. On Prodigy… I suppose you already knew it! 😉
      Happy listening!!!!
      Hugs and love and tail wags!!!

  2. I too am a believer and a student of breathing practices. Almost all the Masters prescribe breathing as a panacea for the well being of our mind and body.

    And here you have taken us to nature to show us how nature breathes so silently and deeply.

    Many thanks dear Marina and best wishes to you 💐💐

    • Thank you so much, my dear Dilip. It was so beautiful watching how beautifully these flowers were breathing -quietly and so …simply. Best wishes to you too, my dear friend! 🌷🌺

  3. Very beautiful! Yesterday I watched a video lecture about mitochondria and respiration, which was very instructive and illuminating. But this post is just beautiful.

  4. A wonderful meditation. And serendipity comes again. Just now, I was thinking about this quote by Thich Nhat Hanh: Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”

  5. Respiration at the water droplet level…so beautiful! Thank you for reminding me to breathe!!

    • I find it amazing how an image I would normally ignore can be a reminder. I was fascinated looking at the stems of my flowers… breathing. Thank YOU, my dear Mary Jo. xoxoxo

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