Onion flowers

Exactly right:

Onion blooms!

Some time ago
I planted a few spring onions in a pot.
As it often happens with what I plant,
they grew
and as they were ready to cut
I took pity on them
…they looked so nice!
For what ever reason
I let them be!
So yesterday,
as I was taking care of my plants,
I saw this!
So I am proud to present,
my green onion bloom!

So tall,
it just about fit in my camera frame!

Isn’t it beautiful?

Glass Onion

The Beatles

Album: White Album

Booker T. & The MG’s

Green Onions

Album: Green onions

What can I say…

Enjoy Onions

and if not,

Enjoy Monday!

43 replies »

  1. Nice… I have a sickly plant out back that survived inside all winter. Just two hours of overnight zero degrees temp nearly killed it. It’s struggling but I think it will come back.

  2. LOVE this post!
    Your onion flower is stunning. I adore Onion Flowers!
    Both songs are awesome. So much fun to listen to!
    Thank you, Marina!
    ✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎
    ✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎✍︎🎨 ⊅⚔︎

  3. Love this, Marina! Beautiful
    My onions could never grow too big – I have a son who is a MANIAC… He would eat all my chives and chive flowers. We’d go up to my mothers and he’d pull out a green onion, wipe if off and chomp on it – he’s been doing this since he’s I dunno three?

    Great tunes, too!

  4. Beautiful, though I might be reluctant to offer a bouquet of them to a damsel on a first date. Unless, of course, she is an onion addict as I am…



  5. Wonderful photos, poem, and onion songs. That’s an excellent video of the Beatles’ Glass Onion.

  6. Do you, Marina, remember Captain Kangaroo—the children’s TV program? A play on one oF the show’s regular sing-a-longs: “I’m a lonely onion flower in a petunia patch!” ;D

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