turquoise twelve

Yet another blue month!

I like the element of surprise in painting, hence I do the current months’ research on the month and not before. That way I take advantage of a ‘clear’ mind and improvise more freely. Even though this method can present minor issues (for example this is the second blue month, narrowing my color palette), it’s a pleasure being acquainted with a new month.

Twelfth month [albeit its Latin name means Ten (decem) because it was originally the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar] is here.
Last month of the year and, as you may have guessed, one of December’s birthstones is Turquoise. Zircon, Tanzanite, Lapis Lazuli and Blue Topaz are the others.
Turquoise is considered to be a symbol of good fortune and success.
Turquoise [the gemstone] is believed to bring prosperity to its wearer, so here’s to a prosperous farewell to this year!
December is the first month of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Southern Hemisphere, the first month of summer.
December birth flowers: Narcissus [daffodil] or Poinsettia [but also Holly or Orchid].
December 22 at 4:48 UTC is this year’s Winter Solstice  [Midwinter], the shortest day of the year [a hint as to why the two suns in my illustration]

December trivia:

• In art There are twelve basic hues in the color wheel; 3 primary colors (red, yellow, blue), 3 secondary colors (orange, green & purple) and 6 tertiary colors.

• The word “twelve” is the largest number with a single-syllable name in English.

• The atomic number of magnesium in the periodic table.

• The human body has twelve cranial nerves. [good to know!]

• Messier object M12, a magnitude 8.0 globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus

• Force 12 on the Beaufort wind force scale corresponds to the maximum wind speed of a hurricane. [one no living being would like to experience!]

• The 12th moon of Jupiter is Lysithea.

• Both Western and Chinese zodiacs have twelve signs.

• A year has 12 months [I bet nobody knew that!]

last but not least,

• There are 12 days of Christmas


Here is:

Turquoise Twelve

Turquoise Twelve©Marina Kanavaki l

Turquoise Twelve © 2015 Marina Kanavaki

Technique: mixed media  [Indian ink and oil on colored tissue paper, digitally edited]

from the series “journey of numbers” 2015 © Marina Kanavaki


Turquoise Twelve is also designed on various products!

here’s a glimpse:

turquoise-twelve-all-over-print-shirts turquoise-twelve-leggings

26235211_10361299-clkfkhk_l 26235317_14151716-crtn_l




simpleFrameEngine  Turquoise-Twelve_art


26234902_4405867-frm118wt01_lz 26234902_4405867-cnv01_lz

[museum quality printing and framing]


Visit my shop for art prints, framed or on canvas or printed on iphone cases, laptop skins & sleeves, cards, mugs, t-shirts, tank tops, v-neck tees, biker tanks, onesies, hoodies, all-over tees & leggings, tote bags, wall clocks, shower curtains, rugs, pillows, wall tapestries and duvet covers at Society6

FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE is on at my art shop and 10% off with code CHEERS10! – Check out my art shop for daily offers.

I leave you with the song of Amiens:

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind

Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Thou art not so unkind
As man’s ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen,
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.

Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most freindship if feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then heigh-ho, the holly!
This life is most jolly.

Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky,
That does not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot:
Though thou the waters warp,
Thy sting is not so sharp
As a friend remembered not.
Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then heigh-ho, the holly!
This life is most jolly.

William Shakespeare [from As You Like It]

My best wishes for this month as we bid 2015 farewell.

86 replies »

  1. Merry Christmas my dear friend – and may 2016 prove to be a wonderful year for you. I will, no doubt, wish you that again before the year is out but I’m saying it NOW just in case!

  2. Your turquoisean December is looking awesome, almost on par with your charisma, Marina. You have rounded off the last of 2015 with a soothingly Grecian feel…best wishesxx.

  3. My daughter is a Sagittarius. She loved turquoise when she was growing up. When I first started to make jewelry I made many items in turquoise. She was my muse. 😊
    I enjoyed reading about this very interesting month. I love the painting very much too. It looks like the sun is entering the heart to bring a glow of renewal for the coming year. Marina your paintings say a great deal about your personal spirit that comes through when they’re viewed. A wonderfully creative post. ❤️ Have a GREAT week …!!!!
    Isadora 😎

    • Ah, what a beautiful thing to say: “sun is entering the heart to bring a glow of renewal for the coming year”… Thank you, my dear Isadora. You are so sweet. ☺️
      So, it is your muse’s birth month!!!! 🎂
      Sending love and hugs and 💐 😘

  4. The beauty and cleanliness of the color is expressed, also, through the lyrical genius.
    The Blue and its variants in turquoise and gray heron damage, to all appearance, the beauty and the power of design. How can we poor mortals, to live and breathe this beauty? I think my friend Marina by creating leggings, watches and other accessories, inspired dall’artisticità, offer a breath of fresh air, kind and happy.
    We need, in these times marked by deep crisis, to have a smile.
    Marina knows how to do and spreads all around the beauty of life.

    Thanks Marina.
    Thank you my friend.
    With sympathy and a dock on your little nose

    Fm Bologna (leaving for distant shores)

    • My dear Ninni, ‘a breath of fresh air’ is all an artist could ever wish for his work. Your words are touching and overwhelming and …too kind and flattering, my precious friend. Thank you from my heart for that [and for the nose thingy!]
      Take good care, my dear friend in those distant shores… very good care! 🙂

  5. Sigh! Love, love, love your artistic style, Marina and creative eye for universal beauty, always beautifully displayed in your works of art my dear friend! xxxx♡xxxx

  6. Hi Marina ,l hope you will start a new series of designs and call it “Life in colors” about Kindness,compassion ,affection , grace , mercy.Jalal

  7. Everything that you create
    has a touch of class my lovely
    friend 🙂 Enjoy today and also
    have a superb weekend 🙂

    Andro xxx

  8. Each month gets better and better dear Marina. And now it’s with the most beautiful Turquoise blue painting. And now countdown to the New Year begins 😀😀

  9. Wow Marina, this is stunning and gorgeously moody, so very December. That central gray blue is the coastal light of winter here in British Columbia. It’s another beauty my friend.

  10. Hey, Marina, as you know I am a bit prosaic and not at all artistically sophisticated. Anyway, I love this one to bring the year to a close. 5*. Were I ever the sort of person who might consider it, a T-shirt / leggings combo might do me for 2016 (that’s meant to be a compliment but it’s not very well expressed, I do realise!!!!). RH

  11. Turquoise – the best has come as we celebrate the end of 2015 with you, and you’ve delivered it in perfectly high fashion. Love reading your list of everything twelve and enjoy the thought of saying goodbye to 2015 as we wait to welcome the new year. Blue is the perfect gray, more lively and yet reserved and respectful of good fortune and success. Love your design and wish you a very special month my friend.

    • Ah, Mary, how beautifully said [“Blue is the perfect gray, more lively and yet reserved and respectful of good fortune and success. “] Thank you, my dear friend for your kind words. May this be a very special month to you too and full of joy. 🙂

  12. ⭐ Marina, this is a very wonderful painting & a fabulous post! ⭐
    Although, you missed 1 important piece of data in your list of 12’s. 12 is the number of pounds Resa will be gaining from the eating of cakes, cookies, short breads, ginger breads, chocolates, fruit pies, candied yams, figgy pudding, all nuts, dried fruits, potatoes & drinking of wine during the 12 days of Christmas.
    Hmm, I feel 1/2 pound heavier just talking about it!
    Nonetheless, I love Turquoise 12 & I love you! xoxoxoxo

    • Resa has to try very hard to get to that 12, so Resa has nothing to worry about! 😉
      But while you mentioned all these things, apart from drooling all over my keyboard, I must admit, I too feel heavier! 😉
      Thank you, my dear friend.
      Love to you and hugs and many many stars too [name or no name 😉 ]

  13. And this is “my” month… since I’m turning 56! I have a special feeling toward blue, that’s right… and actually this always puzzled me… My dad, use to say that blue is the color which brings you to the inner peace (he saw sky and water in it)… but my dad was an artist and painting was his soul expression… Sapphire and lapis lazuli are my beloved stones…
    Next December 22nd we all shall celebrate the winter solstice (some good meditation for Mother Earth and her beloved animals). 🙂 kisses and love be with you Claudine

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