marwax or marworks?…

MarWax is undergoing changes.

To begin with, relocating.

My little workshop is changing address and well, evolving into something else!

New name: MarWorks!

MarWorks logo

So, here is a little MarWax retrospect.

79 replies »

  1. Wow indeed! these are just exquisite! Adore the black and red ones and the black and orange duo, and also the wedding detail. Good luck with the move.

  2. These candles are amazing, Marina! I love them all! I saw that you made one with the autumn flowers as well. You keep amazing me with your talent! wow
    Ciao Bella 🙂 🙂

  3. Best wishes. May the relocation be smooth and beneficial. Love this retrospective. Would love to see the new space. Peace.

  4. Beautiful details – I like your signature stamp – M/W reflection. You are moving onward and upward 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Arnel! They were here at my workshop [which is now closing and moving home]. Due to the peculiarity of the items it’s not easy to set up a site to sell them. One of each and very different in sizes. Also wax is a sensitive medium and needs extra care [packaging and transportation]. So for now I’ll keep designing them at home and exhibit in galleries etc

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